Fanstory Episode 1 - Mozart and Selina Rock the School

How Mozart and Selina rock at school


Instagram is not just a place for photos, but also a way to connect with my fans. Steffi, Selina's mother, contacted me to tell me how her daughter enthusiastically gave a talk about Mozart at school and promptly infected the whole class, including her teacher, with the idea of ​​being a classical music rebel. Read the complete fan story and watch the fan chat in the video above. Selina insisted on playing Ode to Joy on her violin at the end of the video! Of course I couldn't hold back and had to sing along!

The fan story

The lesson covered Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, especially his life and his work as a musician. Since Selina had already developed an interest in classical music and classical composers, not least thanks to you, Mozart was a wonderful topic for her. Her favorite song of yours at the time was "The Hunger." Because of her interest, she was extremely active in music lessons and was able to incorporate her knowledge really well; much to the delight of the teacher and ultimately herself. She also acquired this knowledge somehow through you. Through your songs and your stories between the songs.
Selina as a classic rebel
But it went even further: Selina even picked out a suitable outfit for music lessons at some point: she put on her TDT shirt with the rocky Mozart from your collection and marched into school like that. Her teacher and classmates thought that was pretty cool and asked her about the background. Selina was naturally hooked: she was happy to share the story behind the rockers and punks of her time with everyone, as you always describe so beautifully. To illustrate that classical music can actually be great, Selina also took the "Symphony of Light" CD to school. There are some wonderful Mozart examples on it, which were well received by the class. The teacher was also very impressed by what you can do with classical music. Selina's interest and involvement in the subject was rewarded this school year with an A in a test and ultimately an A on her annual report in music; with the teacher commenting that her enthusiasm and commitment were exemplary. That's something to be happy about! 😊
Selina and Steffi watch the Dark Tenor livestream
Interestingly, the lesson topics often fit really well with your CDs. Last school year (4th grade) Beethoven was on the curriculum, shortly after your Ludwig EP was released.
That was, of course, another hit for my little classical rebel. 😉 So the new teacher was also informed about The Dark Tenor and your song “Out of the darkness”. Your song, which uses “Für Elise” as a classical theme, was very new at the time and “Für Elise” was also the example piece for Beethoven in music class. The teacher was enthusiastic, then clicked through your YouTube channel and ultimately learned to love you through Selina’s indirect recommendation. And Selina once again had a lot of fun in music class (even if at that time she was homeschooling, shortly after the first lockdown) and was able to save the stories and fun facts that you told about Beethoven at your streaming concerts in addition to the lesson material. The school assignment of creating an information sheet on current music preferences and current favorite song was gratefully accepted by Selina and “Out of the darkness” – including a concert photo from Zwickau – eventually found itself on the teacher’s desk.

This school year (5th grade of high school) it's Mozart's turn again. It will be exciting to see what else will come and which TDT song Selina will take to school with her this time. 😉
The Dark Tenor | Billy Andrews with Selina and Steffi at the VIP Meet and Greet

Selina simply loves music, has a wide range of interests in this area and has favorites in all sorts of genres. But The Dark Tenor is still what has accompanied her and us for years and is always there somehow. I "brought you into our house" and Selina now lives that out completely. Among other things, I remember Selina crying a lot because I went to your concert and wasn't allowed to take her with me because she was too young. So she is really emotionally very connected to your songs and the whole TDT world. She is now old enough for concerts and we and she are happy to be able to experience such events together (e.g. Starlight Express or the Ehrlich Brothers 😉 . Selina really appreciates enjoying such moments together and draws a lot from the experiences and special snapshots. We are pretty proud of that.
It's just their world and I can understand it completely. I feel the same way and our whole family is on the same wavelength in this regard, I think. What would we be without music and culture? Everything would be different...
Classic Rebel Steffi

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