Fanstory Episode 2 - Julia's time as a classical rebel

Julia's life as a classical rebel


Instagram is not just a place for photos, it's a way to connect with my fans. Julia caught my eye because of her incredibly positive attitude and love of rock and classical music. I asked her if she wanted to be part of my fan story. We had a funny conversation and of course we ended up making music together! I'm usually always being questioned. Now I've thought of a few questions that I asked Julia. Read her answers below.

The fan story

How did you come up with The Dark Tenor?
I saw the TV advert in 2018 and I really liked I miss you. Unfortunately, I forgot the name. In March 2020, I came across it again on Instagram and the memory of the TV advert came back! My enthusiasm flared up again!
How did you come into contact with classical music?
Through my grandfather, he has been playing the organ for over 60 years and often played pieces by Beethoven and Mozart for me when I was a child. I liked that too, but in my opinion it lacked the pep and the rock element. I have always been involved with music. I have played the recorder, keyboard, drums, guitar and electric guitar. But I have stuck with the electric guitar.
What is your favorite classical piece?
Mozart: Symphony No. 40
Silence by Beethoven, that sounds so mysterious.
Nuvole Bianche, Ludovico Einaudi, to me that sounds like you shouldn't give up. Because it sounds very dark at the beginning and then gets brighter and brighter.

What is the life of a classical rebel like?
Really cool. I'm connected to a lot of people because I'm in a TDT group. The exchange between fans is really fun because they like the same music as me! I also really like the new things in the shop, I've snapped up some!