Intro - #klassikistgeil Podcast

From Mozart to Beethoven and why they would wear leather jackets today!
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Mozart, Beethoven and Bach were the poppers, punkers and rockers of their own time. They were hip, trendy and just super in.
But why are only rock, pop and hip hop considered cool today, while classical music doesn't seem to be in the mainstream? Or is it just a question of perspective? Who is actually looking? And who decides where classical music begins and where it ends?
With my motto #klassikistgeil I want to try to inspire the fascination of classical music to all those who have not had any connection to this music so far! In my podcast I talk to guests who are themselves artists, teachers, musicians or politicians. Together with these guests I want to take a closer look at the great composers and their stories, classical music, but also music of all genres, behind the scenes and through the countless keyholes. Was Mozart really almost divine and infallible? But what about his gambling-addicted and definitely not splurging side? He was a contemporary who enjoyed his life and the advantages of his "status" to the fullest. But you read about this character trait far less than the hymns of praise for his work. So is only a "clean guy" a good classicist? Was Beethoven really just a completely unimpeachable musician and composer? Why then does someone like him seem to have problems admitting feelings, admitting love or devotion? Was he just a human being after all? How did Robert Schumann manage to write so many works that are now considered representative of the Romantic era? And what is the truth behind the rumor that his wife Clara was actually his ghostwriter?
There are countless questions to answer and opinions to discuss.
That’s exactly what I want to do in the podcast about #klassikistgeil .
For the first four episodes, I met the musicians in my band backstage and asked them about their personal opinions on classical music, talked about experiences with me on tour and explored how they move between classical, rock, pop, metal and hits. What does the "Dies Irae" from Mozart's Requiem have in common with rock or metal and what happens when musicians completely rethink classical music?
Next week my podcast starts with the first episode!
Subscribe to my channel, write a review and tell me what topics interest you and which guests you would like to see.
See you on episode one. Greetings from the dark (and somehow hip and trendy) side of classical music!
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