Tour Recap with Basti Rupio | Heavy Metal drums meets Beethoven

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The genres metal and punk don't fit with Beethoven and Dvorak and are mutually exclusive? Mozart would never have worn ripped jeans and a leather jacket? And a metal drummer could never do anything with the compositions of classical composers?
In conversation with my drummer Basti Rupio, we review my recently completed "Symphony of Ghosts" tour and talk about how the great classical composers can sound on modern instruments. We talk about the not so far-fetched gap between contemporary musical styles and the old masters and find out what classical and rock music have in common from a drummer's perspective. Basti also tells me how to go from being a trumpeter to being a metal and hardcore punk drummer.
Enjoy listening! Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and tell me in the reviews what you thought of this episode. Enjoy!
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